WIT Nodak Flickertails 8-7-19 New Rockford Meeting Minutes

AUGUST 7, 2019

President Myron DeMers called the meeting to order, We recited the pledge.

The secretary’s minutes for the June meeting at Dickinson, were passed around, motion by Helen Evans to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Gloria Danielson, motion carried.

There were no July minutes

Treasurer, Mark Collins, reported a beginning balance of (from June 2019): $1199.27

Income:         Fees collected (for host):  $35.00
    Member Dues:    10.00   45.00

Expense:    Host fees:  50.00   -50.00

July Income:         Member Dues    30.00
July Expense:    None   .00 

Balance         $1224.27   

We have 15 paid members,  we have new members,  Ralph & Virginia Henning of Bismarck.

CORRESPONDANCE: Received an email from our Central Rep, Butch & Valarie Peters they were planning on visiting our campout but because of our late date change, it would not work with their schedule. John Hilley said to check out his blog, he has been posting again.
([email protected])


 NOMINATING COMMITTEE:   We need a volunteer to step up for this position, if not, the president will appoint a member.  Helen Evans has been appointed.  She will have a list of candidates for office for the September meeting.  Any member can notify Helen if they would consider holding an officer spot.

SUNSHINE COMMITTEE:  Adam Leier has broken his hip and is currently in a Bismarck rehab center, he will receive a Dairy Queen gift card.   Get well soon, Adam,  we need you at our campouts!


GNR:   Betty Lebrun reported that on “row night” at the Grand National Rally, everyone loved our giveaways; Dots Pretzels, Dakota Growers mac & cheese boxes, Sunbutter, pinto beans and sugar packets from American Crystal Sugar.   All that went from our club participated and all had a good time.

Joyce Hesse said they had awesome weather except for a little rain. Helen Evans volunteered on the people mover. Helen said the seminars she attended were interesting, one note of information is that WIT is partnering with the National Parks and other outdoor living, like; KOA Kampgrounds, Chris Craft Boats (?), Habitat for Humanity, No Barriers. There was also a talent show at GNR, there were good performers this year.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussed the gift certificates from West Fargo Adventure RV, that are being held by President Myron, and for which we have now designated the person bringing in a new member as the winner of the gift card. We will now award the higher of the 3 gift certificates to Mark Collins, per a motion by John Hilley and seconded by Helen Evans, motion carried.

2019 CAMPOUTS: All dates are Wednesday and Thursday, leaving Friday morning.

SEPTEMBER  11TH & 12TH   - VALLEY CITY, Myron DeMers and Mark Collins will host, this will be a surprise outing.                    

We discussed some next year campout possibilities, and per a suggestion from Willie at prior meeting, we should consider a July campout for those not making the trek to GNR.


May – Brewer Lake
June – Eastern part of the State
July -  Walhalla – Frost Fire
August -  Northwest part of the State
September – Fort Ransom

FOR THE GOOD OF THE CLUB and other news:

Dinner tonight will be at Latte Lobby at 5:30 PM and the Play will start at 7:30 PM.

Motion by Gloria Danielson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Helen Evans, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Donna Grunett

Donna’s Campout notes:

We had nice cool weather, a bit windy, first night we had a rain storm with a little bit of hail, no damage was done.

We Welcome new members Ralph & Virginia Henning of Bismarck. They joined in July while at GNR. They were not at this campout but we look forward to them perhaps joining us in Valley City in August.

We had a very nice campground, a nice grassy field scraped out in the 60’s when you could get 4 campers around 1 pedestal. In was on their fairgrounds and where they hold their yearly thresher events.
Lebruns and Belyas did not camp with us but came on Wednesday afternoon and were present for the meeting and for dinner and the Play. We are always happy to see them.
I think we all really enjoyed the Play, Oklahoma, for a three hour play, it sure went by very fast.
All seemed to enjoy their dinner at the Latte Lobby as well. For a small town, they had some very talented actors!

Members present at August 2019 camp-out:

Donna Grunett       Myron Demers    
Mark Collins        Allen & Colleen Belyea  
Vern & Doris Jewett     Bob & Gloria Danielson      
John & Helen Evans      Denis & Betty Lebrun
John & Cathy Hilley     Joyce & Chris Hessee

Paid membership:
Collins Danielsons
Grunett Evans
Blumhardts Jewetts

(I think I am missing someone)