September Fort Ransom Meeting Minutes


President Helen Evans called the meeting to order and welcomed members and guests, Beth and David LeBrun from Minnesota.

The agenda was passed out, Ed Grunett added an item to New Business, a letter from IRS, motion by Ed Grunett to accept the Agenda, seconded by Wayne Wiek, motion carried.

The Minutes from the August meeting at the Peace Garden were reviewed. Cathy Hilley made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Doris Jewett, motion carried.

Treasurer, Mark Collins reported, from activities at Peace Garden Campout:

Beginning balance: $983.34
Membership (Dave & Beth LeBrun) $10.00

Sunshine Committee expense 67.00
Helen Evans – tables at GNR 25.00
August camp hosts – Rustad’s & Mann’s 50.00

Ending balance: $851.34

9-6-14 Auction income 405.00
Bag sale income 54.00 $1,310.34

Joyce Hesse made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Gloria Danielson, motion carried.

Helen Evans read a thank you note from the SunButter® representative, Barbara H. thanking her for promoting their products at GNR. A box of goodies with the company’s logo including a T-shirt and she wore a SunButter® Tee-shirt that had been sent to her.

Sunshine Committee – Joyce Hesse reported she had sent a card to Tony Trimarco, for his medical procedure.

Nominating Committee – The committee members are: Helen Evans, Cathy Hilley, Joyce Hesse and Betty LeBrun. The Committee have met and are working on their candidates.
GNR: Next year, GNR dates are Tuesday, July 21 thru Saturday, July 25. The theme will be “Down Under”. The rally runs for 5 days. GNR will start taking reservations as early as January 5, 2015.

Ed Grunett reported our 990 e-postcard which was filed too early and IRS has applied the report to the 2014 filing year instead of 2013. We will now have to file a 990EZ. Ed will get the treasurer books and will do the filings at no charge to the club.

John Hilley reported he had send emails to the three South Dakota clubs to see if there was an interest in a joint campout. He has heard from the Rushmore Winnies, they would be glad to host us in October of next year. There has been no word from the other two. Ed Grunett made a motion for John Hilley to pursue this, seconded by Wayne Wiek, motion carried.

We have new members, Dave and Beth LeBrun will be joining our club. WELCOME!

Walhalla – we can make reservations at anytime, no deposit is required for the city park camping. The “Frost Fire Summer Theatre” play, is held in July. In 2015, the weekends will be July 4-11-18. Helen Evans suggested those who are not going to GNR can go to the play. Also, those who are attending GNR can join the other members in Walhalla.

Chris Hesse reminded us, as discussed at prior meetings, someone should offer up to be host and the host can pick a location. Denis LeBrun suggested we should look at the middle of the week for our campouts. Roger Ferry, a campground host (host of this campground) agreed it was a good idea. Ed Grunett said he would like to go to places in ND where we haven’t been.

MAY – John Hilley suggested we had better go back to Brewer Lake and pay the rent for that nice shelter building. May 20th, middle of week, hosts Evans’ and Hesse’s have volunteered.

JUNE – Devils Lake, possibly Grahams Island, and a visit to Spirit Lake Casino, June 17, 18 and 19th, Wiek’s and Blumhard’ts to host.

JULY – Wallahalla City campground, John Hilley will make the reservations for the park and theatre, looking at July 14, 15 & 16th .

JULY – 21 – 25th Grand National Rally, Forest City, Iowa.

AUGUST – Lake Sakakawea Downstream or State Park by Pick City, North of Hazen, August 11, 12 & 13th, Host, Grunett’s and ?

SEPTEMBER – Bismarck at General Sibley State Park, to take in the Pow-Wow, Street Fair, and city rummage sales, Heritage Center; September 10, 11 and 12th; hosts will be the Leiers and they will pick someone to help.

FOR THE GOOD OF THE CLUB: and/or other announcements.
What shall we do with the photo albums? John Hilley offered to digitize them. Thanks John, that will be a lot of work!

We were sad to hear that Tony Trimarco is moving to New York and will be leaving our club. We will miss you, Tony. We will look forward to visits from him.

Having no further business, meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Grunett, Secretary

–Donna’s camp-out note, We had lots of activities – we had a cookie contest Friday night after supper, Joyce Hesse lined up the judges from the community. They had a judging sheet for each contestant. We all got to have a cookie from each entry. Delicious cookies, don’t know how the judges finally determined a winner. Not one chocolate chip cookie was in the contest!

For fund raisers, we had a bag (sandwich bag) sale; some of our RV’s have some excess stuff we no longer need, at $2 per bag this yielded $45. We also had the yearly Auction sale on Saturday night after supper, which did really well and were able to put a few “scheckels in the coffer”. Thank you John Evans, our auctioneer, and thanks to Wayne Wiek for being high bidder! Again, we had some excellent food, Roger & Charlotte Ferry fixed a terrific beef brisket complimented by some excellent salads and sides and potatoes some of us gathered at Sodbuster days which Roger baked for us.

John & Helen Evans John & Cathy Hilley
Adam & Judy Leier Ed & Donna Grunett
Willie & Gerri Blumhardt Chris & Joyce Hesse
Marilyn & Wayne Wiek Denis & Betty LeBrun
Mark & Anne Collins New Members -Beth & David LeBrun
Roger & Charlotte Ferry